I received a text message from a close pal today that read " Never trust a guy wearing a bow tie".....I chuckled at that one & shot him back a reply that said "Or guys that say all the time (when trying to make their point) AT THE END OF THE DAY.....blah blah blah...
But then I got thinking about his brilliant comment on guys wearing Bow Ties...For the most part, I try to avoid picking on people about what they wear or how they appear. I'm sure not going to win any Mr GQ awards, yet whenever I see a guy wearing a bow tie, these thoughts flash in my mind.....POMPOUS-CONNIVING-THINKS HE IS SMARTER THAN THE REST OF THE PLANET-NEVER HAD A GREAT SEX SESSION WITH A GIRL.........Honest...that is my read on guys who wear these stupid contraptions. The only guy I liked wearing a bow tie was Orville Redenbacher. He was able to pull it off & it is not easy! That putz on cable Tucker Carlson is the opposite. You hate this guy more just because of his bow tie. Groucho wore a bow tie and he looked great.....I once had to see a nose -ear throat specialist and he was famous for his kooky bow ties. He gave me wrong advise & I called and chewed him out....also told him he looked ridiculous wearing the bow ties.....Sen Paul Simon wore one all the time.....have no clear thoughts on him one way or another. I have no clue who these idiots are in the photo (captured on google)...but let's appraise them left to right...The guy on the far left looks like the most normal of the bunch...good sense of humor & carries a bow tie quite good....The older guy with the Santa beard is very opinionated and you will never change it. The dude in the blue sweater was a big shot in College and still lives through those golden days...On game day he will put up his college flag (another pet peeve of mine)....On his license plate frame it most likely says "Reed College Alumni".....The noodnic on the far right is everything I can't stomach about men wearing a bow tie. That's all for today.
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