This ass to my left is a pet peeve priority. His voice pukes on the air and he thinks his one liners are actually funny. Nothing is funny about this Host of the popular show "Dancing with the Stars"....He got his start playing different monsters (wearing costumes) on Star Trek the next adventure....That's where he should of stayed.
He got very lucky with another human pet peeve Whoopie Goldberg selecting him as host of that stupid game show "Hollywood Squares".....Nothing personal...just cant stomach him on the tube. Now that I'm on a TV rant...how about local Anchors that make happy chit chat?
Do you tune in to see this? That is why Fox 12 in Portland wins so big at 10pm....They lay the bad news on you without all that bullshit in between. Now let's move on to telephone answering machines...What is your take on 2 year olds that record the message while hearing the proud parents laughing & thinking they have the next genius on their hands! Or.....
people who leave long & drawn out messages on their cell & home phones...Why not just say "This is me..leave your message" How many times have you heard that the sap is not at their desk or in the office....how they appreciate your call.....and have a great day...blah blah blah.....Couldn't you just scream?
Adults that wear matching racing jackets..or team logo jackets.........Do you think Drew Cary is ever funny? Lucky guy. People that talk during a movie at the theatre or bring little toddlers into a R rated movie....These parents should be shackled & taken away. Waiters that make a big deal about telling me their name....like I could care less what their name is! Enough....My Wife is going to give me hell over this blog. She wants me to be positive. Today I waited in line at the coffee shop and everyone knew exactly what they wanted to order when they made it to the cashier...That is positive baby!
Are you out of bullets for your gun?
Life too miserable..time to go?
How's your health?
Why not go look at your son's web page again...your pride and joy... it might cheer your sour puss ass up?!!!
Hey Stoner...the Zoloft prescription run out??? Wow!
no need for cheer
I tune in for the real deal
keep 'em coming
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