What happened to the Bird Flu? There was one big rush on buying Tami-Flu to be the only one on your block not choking blood and dying a horrible death comparable to the final chapter in a Steven King horror novel! I was sure sold on the Bird Flu. The media had me really spooked thinking it was the beginning of the end. Did you know which famous person who was on the board of the company who makes Tami-Flu? It was the former Sec Of Defense Donald Rumsfield! Quite a coincidence that this was the same devil who botched Iraq with his pal Cheney and the lackey Pres Bush. We hardly ever hear of the Bird Flu anymore......sometimes a small story will appear on the back pages of the paper buried in the bottom section. Tami Flu raked in 400 million on sales of Tami Flu. What was Rummys cut on that? I figure my contribution was around $400 (and the date has expired now!)........The great flu could happen.....Next time the media beats the drum I will hide under the covers and not pay attention. On a subject not related to Bird Flu Virus at all, let me touch on the former Mayor & Governor of Oregon. If you do not live in Oregon you might not be aware that Neil Goldschmidt was having sex with a 13 year old girl (when he was Mayor of Portland)......This is a story that reads like fiction because his driver (who is currently the big dog Sheriff in town)....was having an affair with Goldschmidts wife Margie!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody ratted him out until it all un-raveled about a year ago or so. Our current creepy Governor also knew all about Goldschmidts fantasy that came true. If you want to read a great column by Portland's best writer Phil Stanford, check it out at www.portlandtribune.com
It is really an eye opener! And they all say Portland is a sleepy little town! Not.
1 comment:
Almost every other day, there is a new victim of the Bird-Flu virus.
Not sure where you have been, but you may want to look at some of the focused media for new sabout the H5N1, such as:
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