I was cruising down the highway this morning listening to Sirius Satellite radio
(oldies channel) with Cousin Brucie Morrow hosting a terrific countdown show.
The Fab 4 came on with "I want to hold your hand".....For some reason, I never get tired or burned out singing along to those lyrics that pretty much changed the world in 64. I scanned the channel and it landed on a Rap station. Sirius has a host of them, and I have no clue why since they sound identical in sound & presentation. The lyrics had something to do with murdering a cop and slap bitching a girl. Just look at the world of difference of the two photos taken 43 years apart from each other! To show you and verify that the world has slumped to an all time low...I have printed the difference in lyrics from the days we were holding hands, happy together & dancing to Louie Louie and today....killing the cracker & beating a girlfriend to death. I'm no prude & love all types of music....but I can't listen to that garbage for even a half minute. It is pure certified shit.
I feel happy inside,
It's such a feeling-That my love can't hide,
Yeh you got something,
I think you'll understand,
I want to hold your hand
Cracker in my way,
filling his body up with lead,
slitting his throat, watch that body shake
sittin on the dock of the bay with my AK
Time to prey on old bitches who drive Mercedes,
You should of heard that bitch screaming,
while I stick that gun in her crackers mouth,
cops can't stop it, mass hysteria, led by this motherfucker menace,
grab that glock and knock it in her head...pop pop pop...yeahhhhhhh.
what happened to this.....
So happy together...so how is the weather....
me and you..and you and me...
no matter how they toss the dice, it has to be the only one for me....
so Happy Together.....
Two girls for everyyyyyy boyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
Jan & Dean really were terrific were they not?
1 comment:
It is a crying shame.
Imagine 100 years from now if it doesn't get corrected somehow.
Will our ancestors be trying to survive a "Mad Max" type of life?
Better pass along any arms you have and see that the generations upcoming know how to use and respect them.
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