So I'm waiting in line at my morning Starbuck stop and I'm weaving my way through two racks of Cd's and NOW a book display! I'm not there to buy the new Bruce CD or the book Kite Runner......I'm there to get my tall coffee with a add-shot! To make my visit more upsetting when I get to place my simple order, the Starbuck girl says "Here's your free Bob Dylan download".....I told her that she can keep her download & that if & when I decide to buy any music it will be at Music Millennium....Not on line, Not in a coffee shop...but at a RECORD STORE! Remember those???? She looked to the guy standing behind me & pitched him on his free download to I-Tunes......He was excited about it & said "Oh I love that Dylan song".....I couldn't take it any longer, so I turned to him in a quiet non-offending tone and said "Why would you want to expand their stake in the music business? Decline this offer & buy the CD at Music Millennium on east Burnside......I went on to explain that this is murdering the shop owners that made all those record labels & artists BILLIONS of dollar$$$$....Come on ..support the little guy! He replied "
You have a point" and handed the certificate back to the robot who was working there. It is sad that STARBUCKS gets the first crack at music making their debut before record shops can get their share....It is sad that Starbucks does not even smell like a coffee shop anymore. That's right....Walk in & take a sniff the next time. You would think your .....in a record shop???????? I'm a Starbuck addict (no question)...I admit it & should get into a 5 step program. There is a local coffee shop in Portland making some big noise about their incredible roasting ability ....They are called STUMPTOWN ROASTERS....and the coffee is superb, but I do not have one in my area. The minute they open close by or even a short drive....Starbucks will be off my radar. I don't want to support them anymore. I'm tired of navigating through merchandising racks of stuff that has nothing related to what I'm there for....A cup of coffee.
Starbucks is the McDonalds of coffee shops. Shame on you for getting hooked on cafine at a place that simply pushes buttons to serve pre-mixed coffee drinks. They must have their act together to hoodwink someone like you who sounds halfway intelligent. Try Peet's.
Buy your own grinder and beans and brew your own coffee. It'll be better tasting and cheaper.
Some artists are choosing to sell in Starbuck's - Joni Mitchell is another - because they are pissed off at the music industry. What is weird is the new Eagles CD will be sold in either target or Wal Mart, I forget which. That is a strange deal. I have mail ordered several times from Millenium.
Back to Starbucks: How come they don't just have an honor system for regular coffee, a money jar, cups and a coffee urn? And just make it a buck. Everybody getting the fancy mixes can wait in line, which gets shorter! Maybe another homegrown Portland shop will do this.
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