Robert Goulet passed away a few days ago...He was a great singer & stage performer. He hold's the record for starring in Camelot the most of any Actor or Singer. I always knew he was a world class singer...but had no idea he was such a great person. I received the following email from a good friend.....This was the first time I ever heard about this amazing event in the lives of this terrific family. He would like to not be named in this blog in respect to his Father. Read this and grab a Kleenex please.
Christmas 92 I bought my parents tickets to Camelot starring Robert Goulet for the February show in Portland. Come February my dad was really sick with liver cancer and was home in bed for the final few weeks of his life but he was coherent and really loved camelot and Robert Goulet. Dad obviously couldnt make the show. I called Goulets hotel and he called me > back and we talked. The next morning I picked him up at the Benson and drove him over to my parents house. It didn't take any persuading, he > offered to come. He spent a couple of hours talking with dad, playing the piano, singing some camelot songs and singing some of dads favorite Dean Martin songs. I had told him a little about dad, Korean war combat veteran, two bronze stars at Heartbreak Ridge, big brawling and drinking Irishman etc. He really liked dad. When he left he leaned over, kissed Dads forehead and and whispered "save me a seat next to you if you beat me there". As we left the house and in the car Goulets eyes were wet and it > was obviously tough on him. He gave me a hug and told me what a great old > man I had. We talked on the phone a few times after that and exchanged letters a few times and Christmas cards every single year for the past 14 years. Robert Goulet was a class act and a real gentleman. He gained nothing for himself by doing what he did, and in fact it was obviously very tough on him. But he did it because it comforted people. People he didn't even know and that's the kind of man he was. God Bless Robert Goulet.
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