The minute this guys phony mug appears on my TV screen...it's a mad push to grab the remote out of my
wife's hand or scramble to locate gods greatest invention on the floor (usually under the couch!).....This guy irritates the hell out of me. Can't you see this ass selling used cars? He has made MILLIONS off ignorant housewife's believing in this guy because Oprah told them to. I have been doing my Columbo routine and checking the famous Dr Phil out. He has a staff that is not allowed in any way to talk to the press about him. He must have them sign powerful contracts, because even the employees of the past will never talk. But there is always dirt people, and in Phil's case, it comes in the form of a 19 year old girl. In 1988, Dr Phil was reprimanded by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists for an “inappropriate dual relationship” with his client, and forced to take ethics classes. Dr Phil maintains that the relationship was not sexual, but the girl says otherwise. Dr Phil also has a little bit of an inner snake oil salesman it would seem, in 2003 he got started in the weight loss business, selling products under the name “Shape Up.” Dr Phil's products stated that "These products contain scientifically researched levels of ingredients that can help you change your behavior to take control of your weight."
Oopsie, the FTC didn't think that was very likely true, and launched an investigation, as people who had actually been suckered into buying the products sought to bring a class action law suit against Dr Phil because the products didn't work even after paying $120 a month for them, a suit he settled out of court for the princely sum of
$10.5 million dollars. I'm waiting for the BIG story to emerge on this guy. He ranks in my top 5 of creepy people. CREEPY is the word for Dr Phil. He has really picked the pockets of those lonely housewives out there buying into his bag of bullshit.
1 comment:
agree on all accounts
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