Oh no....It is not the TRIP...It is the trip to the AIRPORT! If I had anxiety pills, believe me I would take a double dose before leaving. Imagine if your job called for travel 2-3-4 times a week! It could drive a sane person postal. Just look at this photo I grabbed off Google. This picture says a 1,000 words about the dog & pony show going on at Airports all over the world (other than Tel Aviv that has REAL security).......You see a sketchy person in line and they pull over Grand Dad to work him over. I also love it when they all chat between themselves and are not even looking at the screen as the luggage floats down the ramp. Most appear to be human rejects from the American work force. Sorry folks, I write with an honest pen (keyboard).......Just the whole experience is a bummer. Before the towers came down I really looked forward to travel. Today it is one of life's most frustrating moments and such a waste of time with the lines & working all the wrong people over. If the Government wants the real meal deal, they should copy the El Al Airlines model of security. With that comes less flights! They could never pull it off with the amount of planes coming & leaving. The entire culture of travel would have to be changed. I will say that our Airport (Portland Or) is one of the nicest in the nation. Have you waited for a plane at LAX in the Alaska section lately? It is like waiting for a Greyhound in the 60's. It is filthy & dirty and the noise from the announcements (that you can't understand a word of what they say) is deafening....Horrible terminal. The worst! Vegas has a cool airport and so does the Twin Cities. But all in all....its a crap experience.
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