What makes a person stand in line for hours & hours to get into a store to save a few bucks? Oh did I mention that most of those door buster deals are limited to 3 units ....maybe 12? Shopping malls opened at 12:01 am on the bewitching hour of Thanksgiving night! In Portland the I-5 freeway was jammed with people, many in their pajamas! I kid you not. Why would these greedy retail chains put their people through that misery? It shows they could care LESS about the staff with the demand to have Thanksgiving with their family and then drive to a stupid mall and work midnight until who knows when! Don't you think these faceless chain stores could make their quota from 9am until 10pm? I will not support any of these stores. I would rather pay more and do business with a local shop owner that appreciates my business. Every year there are those stories of people shoving each other in Toy Stores, giving the finger in parking lots, even a shooting last year in Indiana. A guy swiped another guys parking spot and he got out of his big ass truck and shot the dude!
OVER A PARKING SPACE! I'm just amazed about the fact of so many people will drive to a mall or super sized store at midnight or 4am or even 7am !!!!!!!
For what?????? To have the experience like the photo portrays in this blog?
Someone said that these cases are like an accident scene on the freeway. Theres interest in the blood & guts of these horrific moments.....Kind of like standing in line at Circuit City for 5 hours to save $50 bucks.
No Kidding!!! Do you know how a store could get me to shop with them? Run this ad!!! "At ABC retailers we there are a few things we would like to say thank you for. Thank you to our employees who diligently serve our customers with the high level of service and expertise our customers have grown to expect from ABC retailers. We would also like to thank our customer for favoring us with their Product needs over the years.
As a symbol of our appreciation we will not be opened at 4:00am, 5:00am 0r even 7:00am. we want our staff and customers to enjoy the precious little free time we all have to be with our family and loved ones. ABC retailers will be opened during our usual store hours 9:00am - 6:00pm . We will continue to offer our customers the quality and value that have made us the preferred retailer in the area. Enjoy your holiday.-Doug
Unreal, there is NO better way to force the self realization that you are a total looser than to take part in this stupidity. It takes the our great consumer culture and turns it into a bloody greed lust for all to see. STUPID!
Good blog!
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