I was reading a book by a new Author and in the back pages they had a Q&A section. They asked this writer who he is currently reading and he replied "I'm hooked on Bukowski and can't stop".....This led me to a search on this Author who passed on to Literary heaven in 1994. Check out his web site at www.bukowski.net where you can learn more about his incredible life. At the end of this blog I will also give you a link to read about his 74 years in a snapshot. This incredible talent wrote a large host of books (most of them) based on his life & true events that shaped it. Bukowski was also known as a beat generation poet which is another story all together! Henry "Hank" Chinaski is really his autobiographical character in many of the novels and poetry stories. I started with one of his more famous books titled "Women"....then I bought "Post Office" and could not put either of them down. If you get hooked like me, you will want to make selection #3 "Ham on Rye" which is a gut wrenching book on his life growing up with monster parents....The writing is just incredible and it is the most REAL writing from an Author who never really had any formal training and was drunk most of his life.
These books are cutting edge and they do not get more true to life than this. Enjoy Charles "Hank" Bukowski
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