What a horrible legacy for this rich kid who had everything handed to him by his Pop and his cronies. Imagine waking up & looking in the mirror & thinking "W
hat have I done?"...... It is easy for us to comment, knock the guy, swear at him when he appears on the boob tube, but just think what he has to face every day! Sure he made his bed & now he can sleep in it but no matter how strong you can be, it would make a recovered drinker want to slurp a few bottles of Crown Royal. I'm sure we can all agree that he wanted to be a loved President, to leave office with his head high and the joy of making a change for the country and maybe the world. That dream is over for Junior now. This photo tells the story of listening to
advisiors when they say "WE WON GEORGE..NOW GET ON THAT NAVY SHIP & CELEBRATE WITH THOSE KIDS"......Many things amaze me about this President....First off I thought he was not the sharpest knife in the drawer when he was elected the first time, but I was sold on that cabinet of experienced DC pros that would lead him in the right direction. Now looking back, we would of been better off with fresh faces that might of made a few errors but would of never pushed him to put on that sham of a show about how Iraq was going to take our precious toys away! Ever wonder how they were going to get away with that side show? When this guy goes back to Crawford we will see very little of him, very much like when LBJ went home to the same State in shame. I was angry at Bush, now I pity him in many ways. You get the shot at the ultimate gig on the planet and screw it up so big. Tonight he was spinning the War again,
who's listening?
1 comment:
Is he making the dollar rich? Is he really making all of us poor or just the middle class? Is he going to make the dollar a world currency? Are the banks that are exchanging world dollars for in the U.S. so that countries can purchase oil going to give back to the people the arms and legs they have lost to ensure them profits?
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