Since I started this blog (due to the encouragement of our beautiful-wonderful new daughter in law).....I keep asking my beautiful wonderful Wife "Did ya read my latest blog?"....and she always replies...."yes ...BUT you are always so negative about everything, why don't you write something positive? ....and I reply....because my 3 fans out there like the train wreck method....they are not into happy talk~~~~~~~They want DRAMA!
So tonight I will ramble on about what makes the Stumptown Blogger HAPPY!!!!!
In n Out double double makes me happy while visiting the south land, Watching a clip of Johnny Carson, Reading my daily newspapers, Watching Larry David on HBO do anything, Reading a great book, Smoking a wonderful Cigar after dinner, Putting on a t-shirt and P.J pants after work, Seeing my Wife in the morning happy, Coming home and seeing her happy, Talking to my two boys and our new Daughter! Taking Shelby our Cat for a walk on his leash (future blog)..........Drinking a Dr Pepper ice cold out of a retro pop machine, Going on a cruise, Going to Cannon Beach Oregon and staying at the Stephanie Inn, Mailing stuff to people with an old fashioned postage stamp, Going to the Post Office, Drinking a great cup of Coffee in the morning while reading my paper and not having anybody bother me, Getting a shoe shine from Uncle Milton, Listening to a great Sinatra song with Count Basie or Nelson Riddle behind him, Going to the movies and lucking out on a good one like Eastern Promises or 3:10 to Yuma, My Wife's terrific dinners and how she prepares them, Checking out my Son's latest photos on flicker, getting a call from my other Son who's married to our new daughter in L.A, driving and listening to my Sirius Radio channel 75, Art Galleries, Waking up to sunshine,
Those are a few things that make this guy a happy camper. Go Rudy!
you got the ice cold Dr Pepper out of the old machine right...man that tastes great!
You have more than three readers. I am a regular. Your Happy blog made me smile. What makes me happy is camping with my son Aaron. We are leaving today to set up our hunting camp. Wahoo!!-Digdug
I always enjoy reading your blog, drama or not! Love the list of your favorite things, honored to be a part of them :) xo
I like a big fat smoke also.....
just mine are not Cuban
greener and smaller
Now that's something that will make you happy!!!!
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