I think the crook to the right is the greatest because he has made more than Tony or Zig and most of it is TAX FREE.
If your lifetime goal is to talk stupid people out of their cash, just watch the master of all masters, Benny Hinn. This Dude could sell beach property in Nevada! It is incredible when you read about some white collar criminal that took a group of folks for their investment (almost daily in your local papers) and get hard time for doing it, and this con artist just keeps opening the envelopes from Grand Ma's that are struggling on fixed incomes. Those $10.00 checks add up fast let me tell ya. Benny lives in a 20 million dollar mansion in Orlando, Wears only hand made suits, Rolex diamond watches, has full time around the clock security, and yes packs concert halls with people who have broken hearts or a life threatening disease. He is the King of the close up pitch on TV when the camera zeros in for the money pitch and before they get to that he makes people faint by touching their foreheads. Can Kreskin or David Copperfield do that? I don't think so! I hate this guy, but for some odd weird reason I'm glued to him when I catch him on the tube as I channel surf. How can something so wrong be so darn interesting? There outa be a law folks.
1 comment:
The reason you are glued to him is that he is representing the truths of Almighty God, and you are drawn to the message, not the messanger. Scripture says there will be those who declare God's truths but are not worthy of what they teach or even hinder the Gospel. But God's TRUTH cannot be destroyed, even if the messanger is corrupt. It says "that which the devil intended for evil, God will turn for good" in the lives of those who put their trust in HIM (not man). Scripture also says not to put our faith or trust in man, because he will disappoint you every time. God is calling you my friend, that is why you are drawn to listen, you cannot run from Him.
Submit you life to Him and you will never be the same!
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