You want to like this GOP runner...but there is something
weird about ol Huck. He looks more creepy every time I hear this guy open his trap. Yeah I know he is real religious & is a ex Minister yaddah yaddah. That is my first worry! Many of these religious far right bible thumpers can be real trouble in many different departments! We have seen it many times before. Did you know that he is pushing a 28% national sales tax? Yeah....28 that converts to over 30% when the Wall St Journal did the math in Wednesdays edition. It is all yap yap yap of course. They all talk like they will actually get their ideas done the minute of being sworn in to office. We all know it does not come that easy! Hillary the bitch with her FREE FREE FREE health care....Obama with all his vast experience! Thompson looking more like a washed up actor & political hack by the day...Edwards running around with the Used Car Salesman smile.....Uggghhhhhhh..........Why can't this country have a superstar running for office? Someone we can really rally behind? If the election was held today, my money would be on RUDY. I know he has baggage and all that noise, but he is the only one running in the pack that in my opinion has accomplished many hurdles in his career.....What has HILLARY CLINTON done? I just love it when she spats off about how her EXPERIENCE will benefit us!!!!!!!!!! She is pounding that message in every appearance. I think she must actually believe that herself. She learned from the master! But back to ol Huck......He looks like the guy you would see in the back of the adult book store wearing a long overcoat, flipping through a Hustler Magazine. Hey so be it, but do you really think this cat would make a great Pres??? This is the most important election in my lifetime, and I'm not jazzed about any of them. Bush has been a huge disappointment to me, now its clean up time and there is nobody who is a shoe-in. Maybe for once the Convention will be interesting.
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