I don't know about you but these contraptions hanging from their ear really disturbs me. For some odd reason by owning & displaying such a devise on the head makes them appear (IN THEIR MIND) more important than others....These high tech mobile phone freaks are really on the fast track and have important people to do biz with. Yeah right. If you want to chat on the phone take the damn thing out of your pocket and rap on it! The ultimate creep out is when they are in a Que to buy something and the clerk makes a
gallant attempt to communicate with them, while they talk away with the Motorola stuck to their head. These people look so pathetic and are beyond rude. I feel these very important folks should be taken to a camp & be interned with others just like them....or a little water torture would teach em a good lesson. Oh...Merry Christmas.
1 comment:
I'm An A-Hole! Weeeee! I am a user of a blue tooth headset. The only time I wear it is when I am in my office or in my car (I am alone) On rare occation, I forget I have it on and will wear it into a convienience store. Blue tooth headsets are a convienient tool and comfortable to wear. I am a real prude when it comes to cell phone ediquette. seldome should any phone be used in a public indoor location. That is the true asshole. the guy who walks around albertsons on a business call of asking wifey what he shoulod pick up for dinner.-D
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