Why would you be riding around in a open vehicle (standing head first out of a sunroof) while there are million idiots who want to murder you????? That is one question I have today. I feel bad about the whole scene in Pakistan....But let's face it....That region of the world makes Iran look like Frontier Land at Disneyland! Every time I see the dude in his military gear, he looks more nervous than a whore in Church! On another subject.....Why do we see more of Bill Clinton campaigning than his lovely bride Hillary? The Clinton handlers are getting the king of the stump out there to push his wife and get the crowds gathering. Isn't it just stupid how long we drag out our elections? In most countries it is wrapped up in a few weeks from start to finish. We have to hear their lies for (almost) another year until the election. I'm sick of all of them NOW! The Mormon, The religious Zealot, The lawyer with the crooked smile, The half ass actor, The Mayor who has done it all and more......and of course America's favorite gal...Hillary who I despise. Nobody can appear on my Television and make me more angry than her....In the male category it would be Bush & Dr Phil. The good news is ...Larry David announced he is going to do another season of "Curb your enthusiasm" on HBO. That folks is the best thing on my tube and I'm looking forward to another hilarious season. Back to politics, I'm still a Rudy fan....I can't figure out why he did not put some of his war chest money into Iowa & New Hampshire.....He has really lost some steam.
That is all for now.....Later.
Stumptown Blogger.