Let's face it, this guy saved Staples, saved the Olympics from financial disaster and charted many companies from the deep red to black...and was a like able Gov. Romney is a smart cookie and would make an excellent Pres. Yeah he has flipped on some issues, but who hasn't? They are Politicians for crying out loud! Rudy looked good, McCain appeared very old to me which will hurt him with the influx of young voters this time around. Ol Huck is a mystery to me.
I think he will find New Hampshire (liberal state) to be a tougher battle field than Iowa. Now let's turn to the Dems.....It was embarrassing watching that line up of nothing but blah blah blah.......They all pounded the desk a few times and the word "CHANGE" must of been thrown out at least 1,000 times. Not one of them gave a straight view on anything....Bill Richardson looks stupid at this point. Obama really appeared like a cigarette junkie that needed a smoke....Hillary is the most plastic - phony political aspiring hack I have seen.
Loved it when she got real angry & started shouting with that loud obnoxious voice. My God this woman is so dreadful. After watching her over the last year wearing her man clothes, the cackle laugh, the bullshit she vomits daily, the flips & flops.....I FORGIVE Bill Clinton. Nothing made me happier to see that bitch go down in flames (3rd horse!) .........Now she looks desperate with her jabbing at ol Obama. Ya got to hand it to this guy....He has never been held to the fire to get a straight answer on anything, he has hardly any sense of humor,
he has no track record and the voters are checking off his name!
This is a total mystery to me. The young voters like him, because most of them do not read a newspaper and get their information from John Stewart and MTV. They have also forgotten a day in history Sept 11. We better have someone this time around that has balls of steel and it sure isn't Clinton or Obama. Back to Gibson who has to win an Emmy for being the most boring moderator in election history. My bet on this Primary is Obama winning again by a few votes and Romney picking up some steam....Maybe McCain. If they are so stupid to give Huck the nod....GOP is in major trouble. I just hope for Clinton to have another screaming fit in her hotel suite on primary night! The BEST!
right on the mark "Daddy"
Better to be thought an idiot than to start writing a blog and prove it to the world.
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