So there I sit having my morning Coffee and turn to the Business section and read in shock that the Federal Govt is giving (drum roll...please......) 33 BILLION a day to stabilize U.S companies.
Yes I gazed at the number twice, maybe three times to make sure it was not my eyes or a typo.
I'm sure no economic wizard, as a matter of fact I know very little how all this works along with 95% of the population I'm sure.....It is beyond our thinking isn't it? BUT.....When your handing these thieves billions to keep them propped up and in business while they have been making stupid decisions and raping the accounts with hundreds of millions in ridiculous salaries, Private Jets flying all over the world, lavish parties and a retirement plan that would make Rockefeller jealous.....something is VERY wrong here. A broker that I know told me that if Brenanke did not give Bear Stearns all that borrowed money the market could of taken a tail spin and we would of had a run on the banks like the photo that appears on this blog (taken during the great depression)....What will they call this one "The Incredible Depression"? What is on the US plate right now? Home pricing plunging, plastic debt at the all time high, stocks getting hammered, banks in serious trouble ( Washington Mutual now proud to hold a -1 rating) ......A war that will never cease and end up costing Trillions, and three yahoos running for President that have NO plan to dig us out of this embarrassing mess. Just like me ....They do not have a clue....and don't look at Bush to save the day because I KNOW MORE THAN HE DOES! What is the good news here? I changed my car insurance to Geico. Smoke some good cigars while ya got em....We are in for a nasty ride! Now that I got that off my wallet, why is it the sickest looking people always work in health food stores? Why do E-Invites offend me? Put a damn stamp on it. Oh.....Did I tell you I sat next to the ugliest lady on the planet the other day (on a plane) HOW UGLY? She was so ugly when she was born the Doctor slapped her Mother! Barnum & Bailey would of hired her for a circus attraction (That damn ugly).....Guess what she does for a living? She is a beauty consultant! I almost lost the two crackers they served me! Hey..I don't mean to be picking on her looks.....but god- damn this woman was ugly. What else? I'm hooked on the National Review Magazine. Tough to find but what great writing. That's all for now.